Huot, Joseph Cleophase Marcel

Submitted by his grandaugther Caroline Lafontaine

Letter of Transmittal

Hi Greg,

I finally had time to scan my grand-father's pictures. I loaded the files, in their original large size, onto Picasa. You can view and download the pictures off of :

I also included more recent pictures of Remembrance Day celebrations in case you might like to have them :

There are many pictures there so feel free to pick which ever ones you want. His name is J.C.M. Huot (for Joseph Cleophase Marcel Huot). We know him as Marcel Huot. My understanding is that he trained with a regiment in Quebec but when it was time to fight and go oversees, he was transferred to the South Saskatchewan Regiment.

PS. Thank you for suggesting ebay for the SSR cap badge. I was able to buy one off ebay and received it in time to offer him the badge for Christmas. He was extremely touched and teary.

Caroline Lafontaine

His Early Years



Returning Home

After the War

Remembrance Day

My grand-father was very touched by the war and refused to talk about it for most of my mothers life. It is only when he retired from his regular job and took on a job as a commissionaire that he met other veterans and started talking about his experience in the war. He has been attending the Remembrance Day celebrations and the parade here in Ottawa and it gives me great joy to see him finally talking about it and being proud. We visited the war museum here in Ottawa two years past....I've never seen a grown man cry so much.

My grand-mother kept a box of his "war things" and I know it has pictures and potentially letters. I'll be visiting him in the next couple weeks and I'll bring my laptop and scanner!

Talk soon,

Caroline Lafontaine

GCS/gs 16May2010/6May2013